Grammar Quiz #13: Pronouns

Correct any pronoun forms that are incorrect in the sentences below. 1. My mother expected my brother and I to do well in school. 2. Mike and me are going to Mexico this summer. 3. Myself and Alan volunteer every Saturday at the animal shelter. 4. When we get to the theme park, all the … Read more

Grammar Quiz #12: Verb Errors

Rewrite the following sentences so has to remove all verb errors. 1. If I would have known you were going, I would have gone too. 2. The college freshman had drank six beers before passing out. 3. The driver didn’t see the dog laying in the road. 4. When I was in Hollywood, I seen … Read more

Punctuation Quiz #21: Capitalization

Correct the capitalization in the following sentences. 1. Next sunday will be our fifth Anniversary. 2. My best school subjects are History, french, math, and Physics. 3. Sallie bought new curtains for her French windows. 4. When we visit Rome, we hope to obtain an audience with the pope. 5. London and paris were already … Read more

Vocabulary Quiz #8: Commonly Confused Words

In each sentence, choose the correct word from the pair of similar terms. (If both words possibly can be correct, choose the more plausible one.) 1. Do you mean to __________ that I stole your cell phone? a) infer b) imply 2. The students are ___________ in learning algebra. a) disinterested b) uninterested 3. The … Read more

Grammar Quiz #11: Restrictive and Nonrestrictive Constructions

In each of the following sentences, a lack of punctuation creates a mistaken impression about the relationship of a modifying word or phrase to the idea it modifies. Insert punctuation so that the relationship is clear. 1. The coach observed most of practice from a midfield tower where he could see all the action. 2. … Read more

Style Quiz #14: Not Only . . . But Also

Each of the following sentences incorrectly establishes a relationship between two things with a setup of “not only” followed by a faultily constructed counterpoint; revise the sentences as necessary to achieve parallel construction. 1. Not only did he take us on a journey through Picasso’s life and painting styles, but also situated the painting in … Read more

Grammar Quiz #10: Dangling and Misplaced Modifiers

Each of the following sentences includes a modifying phrase that confuses because it the statement is erroneously constructed or because the phrase is incorrectly located in the sentence. Recast the sentence so that the phrase properly modifies the part of the sentence it refers to. 1. Waiting for the rainstorm to pass through, the day … Read more

Vocabulary Quiz #7: Commonly Confused Words

In each sentence, choose the correct word from the pair of similar terms. (If both words possibly can be correct, choose the more plausible one.) 1. They didn’t realize that they were in __________ danger. a) imminent b) eminent 2. He __________ an example to illustrate his point. a) cited b) sited 3. Albany is … Read more

Style Quiz #13: Parallel Run-In Lists

Each of the following sentences features a list of words or phrases with flawed structure. Revise as necessary. 1. The film is aimless, seemingly deceptive and spreads a poor message. 2. She continues to suffer pain and anguish, incur medical expenses, and has been unable to carry out her usual duties and activities. 3. The … Read more

Punctuation Quiz #20: Hyphenation in References to Numbers

For each pair of sentences below, choose the one that correctly inserts or omits a hyphen in a reference to a numerical quantity or proportion. 1. a) The bylaws require a three-fifths majority. b) The bylaws require a three fifths majority. 2. a) The statue is eight feet tall. b) The statue is eight-feet tall. … Read more

Grammar Quiz #9: Dangling Modifiers

Revise each of the following sentences so that the phrase that modifies the main clause correctly relates to the subject of the sentence. 1. As a key magazine for coverage of national policy issues, you are cordially invited to a special event. 2. . . . the American Cancer Society. Back in 1913, when it … Read more

Vocabulary Quiz # 6: Commonly Confused Words

In each sentence, choose the correct word from the pair of similar terms. (If both words possibly can be correct, choose the more plausible one.) 1. She likes to __________ his facial tics. a) imitate b) emulate 2. He __________ a talent for music when he was very young. a) evoked b) evinced 3. The … Read more