Word of the Day: Ward

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Ward (wôrd) has several meanings. It can be a specific area of a city, prison, castle, hospital and the like. To ward means to guard or protect, and the person who guards can also be called ward. Finally, the expression to ward off is commonly used to express the act of repelling something.

Ten years after the AIDS epidemic began, College Hospital Costa Mesa on Monday will open Orange County’s first ward dedicated to treating patients infected with the deadly virus (LATimes.com)

Both moves are designed to ward off the conservatism that can set in as companies mature. (Economist.com)

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8 thoughts on “Word of the Day: Ward”

  1. Then a warden would be one who wards? And a swish-ward (s-ward or sword) would be a ward tool?

    Because a sward is the grassy surface of land, or green turf. (from OE sweard – skin or rind. I guess like Gaia Skin?)

    Now I know a ward is to protect, and a bond is something that binds or connects, but a Ward Bond is to the Beaver as Dad is to Son. Heh.

  2. In SEAsia, “to ward” can mean to be admitted to a ward of a hospital… as in, he has been warded at the General Hospital.


  3. Colette, maybe ward, when used in relation to war, may referr to where prisoners of war are held…I don’t know.

    Because ward does mean prison, so maybe you’re right…

  4. I wonder if the word “ward” has something to do with “award”. I know one letter more/less in a word sometimes changes their meaning completely. for example the word danger and anger.

  5. The multi-meaning phrase “ward” etymologically,rather unambiguously mean with respect to a child uncared, unsecured,unattended and unable to maintain itself ‘ to be under care and custody’ of guardian,teacher,bishop,head of a Home or the like.It includes such person under guardianship of a court of law.

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