Peripatetic, the noun, is a person who walks or travels about. It can be used as an adjective as well, with the same meaning. The word makes allusion to Aristotle, who used to teach his philosophy while walking in the Lyceum.
The youngest son, by 13 years, of rentier parents, Wilson was born at Bexhill-on-Sea on the south coast of England. His early years were peripatetic and insecure, mostly spent in private hotels and boardinghouses, a couple of steps ahead of the bailiffs. (NY Times)
But rather too confining for its peripatetic creator, David de Rothschild, the 31-year-old eco-celebrity (and scion of Europe’s fabled banking family) whose mission is to forever change the way the world sees polyethylene terephthalate — aka plastic. (USA Today)
Interesting how the Latin equivalent, circumambulate, although it also literally means “to walk around,” has connotations of walking around *something* rather than walking about.