Word of the Day: Oblivion

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Oblivion comes from Latim oblivio (to forget). It means the state of being completely forgotten. If something is in oblivion, people forgot about it, or are totally unaware of it.

Madonna’s last record had bombed, and the onetime undisputed diva, now 47 years old, seemed perilously poised between one last shot at clawing back into the limelight or sliding further into faded stardom–and, more to the point for Warner, commercial oblivion. (CNN)

Old buildings are marked for oblivion by the Chinese character for “destroy”, chai (it rhymes with sigh), painted on the wall with a big circle round it. (The Economist)

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2 thoughts on “Word of the Day: Oblivion”

  1. I love this word and the way it’s spelled, specifically because it’s one of those older words and rare words that you don’t hear that often in everyday speech. In sic-fi stories it’s a word you’d probably see as it is a sci-fi-y kind of word. I love using this word as it holds a lot of power and meaning behind it.

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