What’s the Reading Level of Your Writing?

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In a recent article, the Los Angeles Times reported on a survey that found that the level of sophistication in oratory in the US Congress has declined. That conclusion reminds me of a reading-comprehension tool I came across when I was a schoolteacher — a system that might provide you with some insight about your writing.

The report concluded that the average level of discourse in the Senate and the House of Representatives is equivalent to that of high school sophomores — comprehension, that is, not usage. (That outcome would be more terrifying than intriguing.) But that speechifying score is still slightly above average — at least, above the average reading comprehension of American adults, who read at a ninth-grade level.

Does that mean that speeches and written content should strive to be comprehensible to ninth graders? That depends. If you’re writing fitness tips for a health insurance company’s newsletter, or instructions for an election ballot, or a customer service brochure, think “high school freshman.” (Again, in terms of reading level, not usage.)

But for many writers, the target audience is not necessarily the average American; we write for a readership that has achieved higher levels of education. In the purest sense of artistic expression, writers should communicate at the level they are most comfortable with, and hope that they will find an audience. Realistically, however, especially when once audience is one’s clientele or constituency (or that of the business, organization, or government agency one works for), one must be sensitive to the recipient.

One of the most popular forms of readership-level evaluation is the Flesch-Kinkaid system (developed in the mid-twentieth century for use by the US military and later appropriated to guide drafting of government documents and evaluate student comprehension), which consists of two distinct scales of reading difficulty:

The Flesch-Kinkaid Reading Ease continuum is a scale of 0-100 in which the lower the score, the more sophisticated the language; mostly monosyllabic comic books and dense legalese anchor opposite ends of the spectrum.

The Flesch-Kinkaid Reading Level is the more deceptively simple index: It reflects the grade level the reader must ostensibly have reached to be able to comprehend the material, from 0 (kindergarten) and beyond 12 (high school senior year) to undergraduate and graduate college levels. (I write “deceptive” because of course a high school freshman, for example, won’t necessarily read at a ninth-grade level. But that’s a topic for another post.)

If you’re interested in determining the Flesch-Kinkaid scores for your own writing, use this online readability-index calculator, which determined, by the way, that both scores for this post are, coincidentally, 17. (That Reading Level score indicates that I’m targeting readers who have attained at least five years of college education, and the Reading Ease mark is inching down into rarified territory. But I’m not concerned, because I know my readership consists of people decidedly above average in reading comprehension.)

Don’t be shocked if scores for your own writing indicate that it is astronomically abstruse or sophomorically simplistic; plug in more than one writing sample. For example, my recent post Do You Look Like a Writer?, which I selected for contrast because it is more conversational than this article, scored a much more accessible 46 on the F-K Reading Ease scale and a more modest 11 on the F-K Grade Level. Wildly fluctuating scores on various written materials is a reassuring sign of a writer’s flexibility. (That’s my spin, at least.)

I’ve strayed from my introductory topic, especially because, as I’ve pointed out often on this site, spoken and written English are two separate “dialects” of our language. But that doesn’t mean they are mutually exclusive: Writers should always consider the power of conversational composition, and orators should strive to emulate the discipline of the written word. And scribes and speakers alike can use the Flesch-Kinkaid indicators as a starting point to reflect on the impact of their voice on their audiences.

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9 thoughts on “What’s the Reading Level of Your Writing?”

  1. Most of my clients have asked that I match using Lexile scoring. That may be due to the fact that they are education clients.

  2. Oh, I am SO loving the Flesch-Kincaid calculator site! I plugged some of my writings in there and am just tickled to see the scores LOL. As you would think, mixed bag, depending at whom the piece was aimed. But at least I know I CAN write well!
    I am keeping that site bookmarked and will run things through it in the future, to see what, if anything, I could improve. Thank you! I love DWT and a day without it is like…a day without caffeine LOL 🙂

  3. Huh, that’s the first time I really had a good explanation about the scoring system. Every time I used my software that has at least 8 different grading systems, I always felt less than adequate. At least I can say I am as good as Senators and Congressmen in my writing.

    Thanks for the article and the tips, much appreciated!

  4. I am surprised at my writing level. In ms word 2007, I received a grading level of 10.6 however, with your website it was level 15. Am i missing something important?

  5. I’m writing a science-fiction novel intended for adult readers. I tried two samples of my text (multiple pages both times) and got a 6th grade level the first time and 5th grade the second — ease of reading 71 both times.

    I’ve tried to make my text easy to read and comprehend, but have I gone too far?

  6. I hate these scoring systems. I have my PhD and yet this software tells me that my writing is at a 6th grade level. I don’t think so!

  7. I liked to play around with the scoring calculator and was very pleased indeed to see that both my children’s books are easy to read 😀 I was surprised, though, to see the reading grade being 6th and 5th grade because I know for a fact that the latter has fans as young as 3 or 4 years old (and I am absolutely sure those fans are not yet in 5th grade).

    Anyway, it’s a nice tool but nothing I would take too seriously. I’m not aiming for a particular scoring with my writing but rather for a great and engaging story that makes my readers smile and giggle with delight.

  8. I wouldn’t worry too much about the complexity level of your writing, especially if you wrote something that came naturally to you. If you look at some of the most respected authors, Hemingway for example, they write at a 4th – 7th grade level, reaching the largest audience. If you are writing for a certain group of people, by all means change it to be a better fit, but don’t feel that you have to, and don’t be ashamed if your manuscript’s reading comprehension is on a lower level.

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