
The Letter “Z” Will Be Removed from the English Alphabet

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Surprising as it sounds, it looks like the English alphabet will be losing one of its letters on June 1st. The announcement came from the English Language Central Commission (ELCC).

Here is a quote from the press release:

After carefully considering and debating the matter for over two years, the ELCC came to the conclusion that the letter “Z” should be removed from the English alphabet. The main objective of this change is to simplify the phonetic aspect of the language, and to unify the American and British spellings.

What will happen to the words that have the letter “z” in them? It depends on the word. According to the ELCC, words that started with a “z” will now start with an “x”. Examples include:

  • zero becomes xero
  • zoo becomes xoo
  • zone becomes xone
  • zodiac becomes xodiac

Words that featured a “z” with the “s” sound, on the other hand, will now be officially written with the “s” (i.e., unifying the American and British spelling). Examples include:

  • visualize becomes visualise
  • analyze becomes analyse
  • materialize becomes materialise

What do you think about this change? Will it really simplify the English language, or will it make things more confusing?

This post is an April fools prank.

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327 thoughts on “The Letter “Z” Will Be Removed from the English Alphabet”

  1. I really believed it, the date when i read it was May 31 2020, i was like really from tomorrow no more Z!!


  3. Covid-19 time but u almost got me I was looking for the date everywhere but we ain’t dunces

  4. The middle school kids will be completely confused. Our middle school kids are confused enough with figuring out themselves at this confused stage in their Young life. So many may be in a panic and believing this April fools joke. However Pretty good joke.

  5. I’m in complete disbelief. Until now I’ve never heard of the ELCC. Screw those bastards. They must have been drunk the whole time they were deliberating the matter. Is this really true?

  6. I like the letter z… its not a good decision to remove it from the english alphabet.what is the purpose of removing it? Its crazy….

  7. This is a cruel joke. You shouldn’t say such things. My name has a z in it, and I refuse to change my name to start with an x when it has always started with z, and neither should anyone else .

  8. I will be organizing a rally/protest, please come help save z, if there was ever a letter that was so underestimated, it would most definitely Z, our lovely friend Z, has been framed by it’s best known enemy, I know we aren’t supposed to say or write it’s name, …in times like now, I believe it is important to call out the despicable w, w has always been underhanded and sneaky, but this is to much, we have solid evidence that w is behind this ” let’s get rid of Z” nonsense, that seems to be sweeping the world. If the evil w is not curtailed, it will be a scary world to TRY to survive, so very many problems, it might not even be possible to list the various ways that w may cause trouble, so instead of that, I’ll leave you with 1 anecdote: last week my daughter had a report to do about the live of animals that are kept in cages, so naturally we figured that the Zoo would be a great starting point to begin her research, but tragically, Mr. w had already been through my state, so we had no idea where to find it, we even looked for the word (gasp) xoo, thinking maybe they changed the word in that fashion…no luck, even in my search engines there was no way to find a Zoo, yes I said Z, sooo… Mr or Mrs Grammar police you might as well arrest me now, as I shall not (repeat NOT) forgo the beautiful the anchor of our great alphabet, I, for one, cannot live in a society where letters are thought to be so very worthless, but, even worse the thought of our youth trying to overcome a world with even less letters is incomprehensible to me, “daddy, daddy, can we go see the zebras???” Not anymore baby…not anymore!!! 😭

  9. I can’t believe anyone actually fell for this. Did nobody know how language works? Changes in language are gradual, not some big decision made by a non-existent agency! This is ridiculous!

  10. well its just outrageous like i don’t wanna be spelling’ pizza like pixxa like that’s just complete dum and should go find the person who made doge ball as fun as it is both of these ideas are ever dum or reasons to hurt people

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