Prodigal vs. Prodigy

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Prodigal means “to spend wastefully.” So, what does that have to do with the biblical parable of the prodigal son, and what does being prodigal have to do with being a prodigy?

As it happens, there’s no connection between the two words, though an assumption that they are synonymous may lead some people to believe, erroneously, that the phrase “prodigal son” refers to an impressive young man.

For those of you who have forgotten, or never learned, the story of redemption from the Bible, the younger of two sons prematurely demands his inheritance from his father. The older man complies with his wishes, and the youth leaves home, where he foolishly fritters away his fortune.

Reduced to penury, he returns home, prepared to beg for forgiveness, but his father welcomes him and causes for a celebration. When the older son bristles at this injustice, for he has worked hard in his father’s service and has received no preferential treatment, the father explains that they should rejoice that the younger son has returned to the family fold.

Prodigal, which is derived from the Latin term prodigere, which means “to drive away or squander,” also means “lavish,” and in addition it has a sense of luxuriance that may, depending on context, be negative, neutral, or positive. However, the word is usually employed to allude to the parable in references to a redeemed returner as a prodigal son.

Prodigy, by contrast, is from a distinct Latin word, prodigium, meaning “omen or monster” (both of which stem from a precursor word that means “to warn”). The most common sense of prodigy is in reference to an unusually talented young person, although, more rarely, yet with more fidelity to its Latin roots, it may also mean “something extraordinary or inexplicable,” or “a great accomplishment.” Another rare usage is as a synonym for omen.

The adjectival form, prodigious, has lost its connection with omen (portentous is often, in its place, applied to omens) and means “strange or exciting” or, in keeping with the connection to monster, “enormous.”

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2 thoughts on “Prodigal vs. Prodigy”

  1. With all due respect, I doubt the explanation that there is no connection between “prodigal,” “prodigy,” and “prodigious.” Even as noted in the article, an accepted alternate meaning of “prodigal” is lavish, with a sense of luxuriance. Other sources use synonyms like generous, lavish, liberal, unstinting, unsparing, bounteous.

    A prodigy is someone with lavish, bounteous talents. Described in adjectival terms, this person has prodigious talents. Not “monstrous,” but abundant in the extreme.

  2. Thank you, Carey Winters. Yes, I thought as much , that there IS a connection to prodigal, prodigy and prodigious. How could there not be! Just love exploring the meaning of words, their origin, and evolution to today’s usage.

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