
The Difference Between e.g. and i.e.?

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The Latin abbreviations e.g. and i.e. are used extensively in English. Not everyone, however, is aware of the difference in their usage. Some people use them interchangeably. Others even invert their meaning. If you are not completely sure when to use each of those abbreviations, keep reading!

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Word of the Day: Idiosyncrasy

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Idiosyncrasy comes from the Greek: idios “one’s own” and sun-krasis “temperament” or “mixture.” Idiosyncrasy is a peculiar habit or characteristic of an individual or group. It can also refer to mental and physical characteristics. Below you will find examples of the usage.

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Welcome to Daily Writing Tips!

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Whether you are an attorney, a manager, a student or a blogger, writing skills are essential to your success. Even more if we consider the rise of the information age, where people are surrounded by e-mails, wikis, blogs and the like.

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