DailyWritingTips.com readers often ask us about our presence on social networks, so in this post, we provide details about how to interact with DWT and with other people who care about how they communicate.
1. Find us on Facebook, at Facebook.com/DailyWritingTips. There, you will see links to DailyWritingTips.com posts and can check out comments by other readers. (Please like our page if you haven’t already done so!)
2. Follow us on Twitter, at Twitter.com/Writing_tips. All posts are published on our Twitter stream, so if you follow us, you can link to them through our tweets.
3. Add us to your Google+ circles to stay up to date on our posts and possibly to join us on future hangouts.
4. If you’d like to ask a question about a post or respond to the post — perhaps you have an additional example or another good strategy to share with others — submit a comment at the bottom of the post.
5. If you have a suggestion for a post topic, or a question unrelated to a post, our email address is [email protected]. (However, if you have a question or a thought about a particular post, it’s better to comment, because then thousands of other readers can see what you have to say, too, and perhaps respond to your note.)