Writing the Perfect Resolution

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Just as a gripping opening is crucial to catch your reader’s interest, a satisfying resolution is a must if you want to leave a lasting impression. The resolution is the final piece of the narrative puzzle, where all loose ends are tied up, and the story finally ends.

Why a Good Story Resolution Is Important


The resolution provides closure, allowing readers to say goodbye to characters they’ve connected with and a world they’ve invested in. It’s the reader’s final take away from your story, shaping their overall impression and how they remember your work.

Characteristics of a Successful Resolution

  • Provides closure: A good resolution wraps up the main plot points and character arcs.
  • Stays true to the story: It should align with the story’s tone and themes.
  • Leaves a lasting impression: It should evoke emotion and resonate with readers after they’ve closed the book.

How to Craft a Satisfying Resolution

  1. Tie-up loose ends: Make sure all conflicts and plotlines reach a conclusion.
  2. Stay consistent: The resolution should match the tone, style and promise of the rest of your story.
  3. Consider your characters: How have they changed? What is their final state?

Different Types of Story Resolutions

  • Happy ending: Everything turns out awesome for the main characters, typically in romance or comedy genres. Think of stories like “Bridgerton” or a Harlequin novel.
  • Tragic ending: The protagonist fails to overcome the conflict, which is often found in tragedies like “Romeo and Juliet.”
  • Open ending: The story ends with an uncertain future, giving readers space to imagine what might happen next, like in the film “Inception.”
  • Twist ending: The story concludes with a surprise or unexpected revelation, like in “Fight Club.”

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Writing Your Story’s Resolution

  • Rushing the ending: Don’t wrap things up too quickly; allow the story to reach its natural conclusion.
  • Adding new information: The resolution is not the place for major new revelations or twists.
  • Creating an unbelievable ending: Make sure the ending is plausible and consistent with the story.

Tips for Writing a Memorable Resolution

  • Reflect on the journey: Consider the obstacles and growth the characters have experienced.
  • Give readers time to say goodbye: Don’t rush the ending; your reader will feel cheated.
  • Stay true to your characters: The resolution should align with the character development throughout the story.

Crafting a perfect resolution involves tying up all the loose ends you opened up throughout the story. It reflects on the journey of your characters and delivers a satisfying end that should really resonate with your readers. Take the time to craft an ending that stays true to your story and leaves a lasting impression.