Eliminating Redundancies in Your Writing: Learn to Avoid Repetitive Terms and Phrases so Your Writing Sounds More Interesting

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Are you trying to hit a word count in your post? Or do you want to sound intelligent in your prose? Whatever your goal is, filler words or redundant phrases are not the solutions, as they only lead to weak writing. 

In English usage, redundancy is usually defined as the use of two or more words that say the same thing. However, we also use the term to refer to any expression in which a modifier’s meaning is contained in the word it modifies (e.g., early beginnings, merge together). Think of redundancies as word overflows.

Remember to avoid these words and phrases to better create engaging content and attract more interested readers!

What Is Superfluous Writing?


Superfluous writing may include redundant phrases or tautologies. They can also be filler words that do not contribute meaning to the sentence. Writers and speakers recommend removing them because you will look uncertain about what you say.

Whether you’re making a blog post, doing business writing or trying effective email writing, your key message needs to demonstrate brevity and clarity. Superfluous words make it difficult for your audience to understand what you’re saying.

What Are Unnecessary Words Examples?

Some pointless words to remove include in order to, really, a lot, moreover, always, stuff, etc. These fluffs will bore your readers and make your ideas more ambiguous.

Weak email writing differs from poor blog content. These words and phrases will result in an ineffective email:

  • 100% more
  • Best price
  • Extra cash
  • Free access
  • Giveaway
  • Guaranteed
  • Prize
  • Promises
  • Risk-free

How to Reduce Filler Words in Writing

There’s nothing wrong with filler words if you use them sparingly. But too much will make you less credible and your writing weaker. Here are some writing tips that will clean your content.

1. Cut Out Excessive Words

Many amateur writers struggling to reach the word count resort to common wordy sentences such as “a large number ofor “if this is not the case.” These terms only make your sentences less substantial.

  • At the present time = now
  • Along the lines of = like
  • At all times = always
  • It’s probably that = probably
  • Due to the fact that = because
  • In light of the fact that = because
  • In the near future = soon
  • With the exception of = except

2. Remove Words That Are Hard to Understand

Some words are challenging to understand or easily mistaken as passive-aggressive. These include as discussed, just a friendly reminder and actually. 

3. Choose the Word With the Closest Meaning 

English words have denotative and connotative definitions. Denotative meaning is the dictionary definition, while connotative meaning is the implication or emotional impact. For example, instead of saying thin and slender, choose one word with the closest connotation.

But… Every Rule Has Its Exceptions

Are there instances when filler words become essential to keep your message on track? Probably. 

Moreover, furthermore and additionally are not recommended because they only serve as clutter to your writing as they also add more commas. If you need to compress your explanation, these transitional words are acceptable. You can also use them when going into a flashback.

Another word you should avoid is just. However, if you need to emphasize the time, as in a short time ago, you get a free pass. 

Practice Compelling Content Writing

You already know which words to avoid in an essay, including tautologies and superfluous phrases. Some examples to remember include anyway, on account of the fact that, the thing is, general public and orientate.

Aim to replace or eliminate filler words from your writing to have the clearest, most understandable prose.