Reader Blaine asks
Does anyone out there know of a website or a book with a lot of sample query letters?
The question comes just as I’m studying this guide to marketing a novel:
The Sell Your Novel Tool Kit: Everything You Need to Know About Queries, Synopses, Marketing, and Breaking In by Elizabeth Lyon.
The book was recommended to me by a colleague for the very reason that it contains numerous sample fiction queries.
Chapter Six defines the query and offers step-by-step instructions for writing one:
Queries Defined
Model Query Letter
Types and Uses
Chapter Seven provides 15 examples of actual letters. Several genres are represented, including
Children’s 9-12
So far I’m finding Lyon’s book extremely helpful as I prepare to market a mystery novel of my own. When I’m ready to do something with one of my non-fiction projects, I’ll have a look at her other guide: Nonfiction Book Proposals Anybody Can Write.
Thank you very much for this information. I’m one draft and a line-edit away from sending my first novel out to agents and query letters have been on my mind.
In an effort to find information to write a query letter to offer a monthly article to a magazine for Seniors, I’ve only been able to find generic outlines for all markets.
Seniors are not the same audience as all those other tried and true publications.
It’s extremely time consuming and frustrating to look for a magazine, find an Editor or someone who seems to be in that position, then not finding their requirements. Or sometimes it’s worse when each magazine wants a different format.
Is there an easier way to find avenues to freelance for magazines for Seniors?
Can you send me an example of a non fiction military, history, battle query letter. I have ten chapters completed, two more left. I need to send a query letter to a couple military magazines to establish a platform prior to finding a literary agent. Thank you. Jim