Chapter One: Introduction to Freelancing

Let’s start off easy. This first chapter will lay the foundation for your journey, offering insights into what freelance writing really entails, its tumultuous history, and what you can expect moving forward.

By the end of this chapter, you’ll have a clear understanding of the freelance landscape and be better prepared to navigate its opportunities and challenges.

Topics Included in This Chapter

  • Definition and Scope: A clear overview of what freelance writing is all about, highlighting its flexibility and potential.
  • A Brief History: A quick overview of how freelance writing began and how it’s evolved to be the diverse and ever-changing landscape it is today.
  • Pros and Cons: Everything in life has pros and cons. I’ll point out some of the best and worst parts of being a freelance writer so that you can make an informed choice for yourself whether it’s worth breaking into the industry.
  • Types of Freelance Content Writing: A list of the most common types of freelance writing and some tidbits about each one.
  • What’s Required of a Freelance Writer: Understand the skills and responsibilities needed to launch, grow, and maintain a successful freelance writing career.

What’s Required of a Client: Learn what you should expect (and not expect) from clients to ensure a smooth working relationship.