Sometimes I get comments via the Contact box that I wish had been posted in the comments for everyone to enjoy.
Here’s what A.G. of Clearwater, Florida had to add:
Ah, the wonderful vagaries of the English language!
Sneak/sneaked is in line with leak/leaked, peak/peaked, peek/peeked,
or reek/reeked.On the other hand, if speak/spoke, why not sneak/snoke?
Or, if seek/sought, why not sneak/snought? [shudder]
With tongue in cheek, I remain faithfully yours [oh, no, let’s not start that one up again!]…
Pronouncing Words That Begin with WH
Maria Cypher, she who inspired the WH post, sent the following link to a map that shows where “clusters of [hw] speakers” practice their funny pronunciations.
Map showing [hw] pronunciations.
Note the dot in the center of Arkansas. That’s where [hwer] I grew up.