
Vocabulary Quiz #12: Commonly Confused Words

In each sentence, choose the correct word from the pair of similar terms. (If both words possibly can be correct, choose the more plausible one.) 1. If we rise early enough, we can be ______ down the road by noon. a) farther b) further 2. Is there anyone ______ me, who wants to volunteer for … Read more

When Jargon Fails

Jargon has its purposes. In content pertaining to popular culture, when employing slang to engage readers and other consumers of entertaining information, concise and/or colorful slang enlivens the experience. But in writing about business and technology, jargon can encumber rather than enhance comprehension, and writers should take care to use it judiciously. Consider this sentence: … Read more

3 Types of Sentence Errors Resulting from Missing Articles

In each of the following sentences, lack of an article (a, and, or the) results in a grammatically flawed sentence. Discussion after each example, followed by a revision, identifies the problem. 1. In 2006, The Simpsons television show paid tribute to the 1974 Oakland A’s in an episode. The first instance of the article the, … Read more

A Capitalization Cheat Sheet

Capitalization is a bewilderingly complex issue, with many rules and exceptions. This post outlines the basic, most common guidelines for capitalization, with examples. Academic degrees: Lowercase—“bachelor’s degree”; capitalize entirety of most abbreviations (with a few exceptions, including PhD and DLitt) Academic disciplines: Capitalize only proper names—“Asian studies” (except as part of a full name of … Read more

15+ Words with “syn” or a Variation

The Greek prefix syn-, meaning “together,” and two alternative forms combine with many other word elements to form terms pertaining to community or unity. This post lists and briefly defines the most common of these words, along with literal definitions of the root word. 1. idiosyncrasy (“personal” and “blend”): a peculiarity or hypersensitivity 2. synagogue … Read more

Vocabulary Quiz #11: Diction

Diction is word choice. A word that is suitable in conversation or informal writing may lower the tone of writing intended for a general audience. Assuming that all of the following sentences are intended to be heard or read by a large general audience, choose the more appropriate word for each sentence. 1. The CEO … Read more

3 Common Types of Phrasal-Adjective Hyphenation Errors

One of the most ubiquitous categories of error in written composition is failure to provide a visual clue to readers that two or more words preceding a noun are temporarily functioning as a single unit of information. After each of the sentences below, a discussion explains one of several types of such mistakes, and revisions … Read more

Who Determines Language Standards?

My recent post about declining writing standards garnered some thoughtful comments from site visitors, but as I read them I realized that the post had not addressed one cogent point: As one reader put it, “Who or what determines if a standard is indeed prevailing, or is on the way out?” In the sciences and … Read more

3 More Types of “Not Only . . . but Also” Errors

Errors of faulty parallelism in sentences in which “not only” and “but also” help delineate complementary phrases come in three general categories, as shown, explained, and corrected below. 1. This problem not only relates to accessibility but also to completeness, accuracy, and validity of the data. In a simple sentence employing “not only” and “but … Read more

The ‘Cross” Family of Words

Cross, a word with a great variety of meanings, is also at the head of an extensive family of words, some of which are listed and defined in this post. Cross made its way into English circuitously from the Latin word crux, with stops in Old Irish and Old Norse. It originally referred to a … Read more

Punctuation Quiz #23: Hyphenation

Choose the sentence in which the compounds are hyphenated correctly: 1. a) Sometimes he behaves like a five-year-old child. b) Sometimes he behaves like a five year old child. 2. a) Treatment for cyanide poisoning includes a small inhaled dose of amyl nitrite, followed by intravenous sodium nitrite, followed by intravenous sodium thiosulfate. b) Treatment … Read more

50 Synonyms for “Song”

Numerous words that describe various types of musical composition are listed and defined below. (Note that in the definitions below, popular denotes not a musical form that is widely enjoyed, but a song of a type traditionally derived from common people and folk traditions rather than from professional composers. Forms of the word accompany refer … Read more