
Voice: An Opportunity to Scream without Opening Your Mouth

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Voice suggests the sound or feeling communicated in your writing. Just as you communicate with your tone of voice and word choice in everyday conversation, the same concept applies to writing. Voice goes hand in hand with the all-important consideration of audience. You must choose your words and adjust your writing voice with a high level of sensitivity so as to communicate effectively with your chosen audience. Instead of my yammering on about voice in abstract terms, take a look at the following examples.

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Introducing the Comma

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Commas are a tricky little piece of punctuation, and they give many people headaches. In my students’ essays, I frequently see commas where they don’t belong, and I see necessary commas left out. I make it one of my goals to help demystify the comma for my students.

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Write Super-Fast

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Writing fast and editing later is a good practice. For many people, writing super-fast is an even better practice. Here’s why:

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Don’t Overload the Bridge

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Every good writer is burning to say something, and fiction writers are no exception. Though their job is to tell a story well, they often have a message they want to get across too.

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Me, Myself, and I

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Just as the personal pronouns I and me are frequently used incorrectly–the subject form I used instead of the object form me, and vice versa–the reflexive pronoun myself sometimes crops up where I or me belong.

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Word of the Day: Parsimony

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Parsimony comes from Latim parsus, which is the past participle of parcere (to spare). Parsimony indicates an excessive care with the spending of money. A synonym for parsimony is frugality.

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Clichés Don’t Belong in Professional Writing

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Some of the common cliché phrases that we find ourselves using every day do not belong in professional writing. This has become abundantly clear to me as it has become more commonplace for me to work with international clients.

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Write To Be Scanned

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Writing for the computer screen is different than writing for the printed page. There is actually a physiological difference between the two reading materials. Paper, as you’ve noticed, doesn’t flicker (unless it’s on fire).

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The Possessive Apostrophe

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It’s time to talk about being possessive. Sometimes possessiveness is good, sometimes it’s bad. However you look at it, if you’re speaking English, then you will need an apostrophe to show who owns what.

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